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Expert reveals how to help your cats during hot summer months, lessen their cancer risk
The Good Stuff
The Good Stuff

Expert reveals how to help your cats during hot summer months, lessen their cancer risk

Keep your cat safe this summer!
20 December 2022 4:41AM

The hot, hot summer months are here! 

And while us humans can indulge in an ice-block, wear as little layers as we like and park ourselves up in a pool or in front of the air-con, for our furry friends it's not so easy.

Many pet owners are unaware that cats, particularly ones with light coloured fur, can develop skin cancer if they suffer repeated incidents of sun burn.

It can take a few years before the damage is visible, but once the early stages of cancer set in, cats require urgent veterinary treatment to prevent it spreading.

Some felines can suffer long term damage including, in severe cases, having to have their ear tips removed, or their entire ears.

The experts at Cats Protection have shared their five bits of advice when it comes to keeping your cat safe in warm weather.

Keep pet cats indoors when the sun is at its hottest, typically between 10am and 3pm

Speak to a vet about a suitable sunscreen for pet cats

Provide plenty of shade for pet cats when they are outdoors, such as providing cat hides, large cardboard boxes or plant plots placed close together

Always provide an outdoor water bowl to minimise the risk of your cat becoming dehydrated

To stop cats feeling overheated, place a plastic bottle with frozen water inside a towel and place it in an area that the cat frequently visits