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Six signs that may help you identify scam messages or calls
The Good Stuff
The Good Stuff

Six signs that may help you identify scam messages or calls

It's important to remember these to easily identify scammers.
16 November 2022 6:17PM

Sorted org NZ has shared six things to watch out which may help you identify if you've received a scam call or message. 

1. If they contact you out of the blue. 

2. If they ask for your password.

3. If they ask to verify your account or details.

4. If they asked for remote access to your device - usually when they ask this, they ask you to download an app to get access to your phone. 

5. If they pressure you to make a quick decision.

6. If they ask you to pay in an unusual way. For instance: Asking you to send money overseas. 

When in doubt, it is recommended to ignore and treat it like one, and if you're unsure and would like to follow up, then only do it with a verified source.