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Watch Cyclone Gabrielle track across New Zealand

Watch Cyclone Gabrielle track across New Zealand

MetService have issued Red Severe Weather Warnings for Cyclone Gabrielle's heavy rain and gale-force winds.

Cyclone Gabrielle is bringing severe weather conditions to the North Island, with experts warning that we should be wary, as "the worst is still yet to come."

With MetService issuing another Red Severe Weather Warning for most of the North Island, this weather event is expected to do more damage across Northland, Auckland, Coromandel, Waikato and Gisborne, which have still been recovering from the severe weather experienced this summer.

Watch Cyclone Gabrielle below:

"We’ve never had such an extensive range of Red Severe Weather Warnings – which is the highest classification of Severe Weather Warning MetService can issue," Meteorologist Angus Hines told Today FM.

Key Infomation from Civil Defence (Tuesday midday):

  • The New Zealand Government has declared a National State of Emergency, to assist in the response to Cyclone Gabrielle.
  • Have grab bags ready for everyone in your family. These should include short term essential supplies such as medications, snacks, water, torches, pet food, and baby formula (if needed).
  • Remove any debris or loose items from around your property and tie down heavy outdoor objects. If you have a trampoline, turn it upside down to minimise the surface area exposed to wind.
  • Clear debris and leaves from external drains and gutters to prevent overflow or water damage in heavy rain.
  • Check on your neighbours and anyone who might need your help.
  • Power cuts could affect EFTPOS and ATM machines, so make sure you have some cash at home or food and water to last 3 days.
  • If you need to leave your home, consider staying with friends and family as a first option, or go to one of the shelter sites available across the city. Locations are listed on www.aem.org.nz
  • The supermarkets have good stocks, please only buy what you need for the next few days.
  • Don’t travel anywhere unless you need to.
  • If you need any flooding assistance, please call Auckland Emergency Management at 0800 22 22 00.
  • Or if your life is at risk, call 111.
  • Stay safe everyone.


HAWKE'S BAY: people in Taradale through to Meeanee are urged to evacuate and get to higher ground, with the Tutaekuri River rising rapidly and the region still under a Red Rain Warning. SH2 and SH5 are closed, with no route between Napier and Hastings. Major power cuts in the Bay are expected to continue ‘for some time’. 

GISBORNE: Transpower has declared a grid emergency with their substations likely underwater - they say to prepare for days or weeks without power.  Currently, there are no phones or internet there. Locals are being asked to conserve water and stay home. SH2 and SH35 are both closed. 

NORTHLAND: The region is still under a red rain warning, with much of Northland facing days without power. Evacuations are underway in some areas.

COROMANDEL: A third of Coromandel is without power, the area described as “carnage”. Virtually every major road is closed. Storm surges on the East Coast are causing significant flooding.

AUCKLAND: No longer with a red rain warning, but the red wind warning still remains. Muriwai, Helensville and Wellsford are asked to reduce water use immediately due to treatment plants affected by power outages.

TARANAKI: still under a red wind warning.

Important Links For Cyclone Gabrielle Coverage:

Civil Defence Pages:

Road Closures and Transport Updates

Weather Updates

Power Outage Maps:

Official Council Pages:

Important Links For Cyclone Gabrielle Coverage:

Civil Defence Pages:

Road Closures and Transport Updates

Weather Updates

Power Outage Maps:

Official Council Pages: