The untouchable Topp Twins, Jools and Lynda, have always been the embodiment of resilience, laughter, and inspiration. Their story has been one of triumph and love, told with a healthy dose of humour and good old-fashioned Kiwi grit. The dynamic duo recently sat down with Robert and Jeanette to chat about their life's journey and their newly released autobiography, "Untouchable Girls".
The Topp Twins are well-known for their activism and for embracing life, even in the face of adversity. Jools and Lynda, both with cancer, have strived to change the narrative around the disease. "We've both still got cancer and we have some treatments, but we're not battling with cancer," says Jools. Instead, they emphasise living with the disease and continuing to enjoy their love for horse riding and fly-fishing.
Their life journey, intertwined with New Zealand's history of protests and social change, has influenced their work. Lynda reflects, "You know, if we had something to say to younger people at the moment and their lives, it’s don't be afraid to stand up and speak." The Topp Twins stress the importance of face-to-face communication and solidarity in the age of social media, reminiscent of their own experiences in protests where they often ended up singing and making their voices heard.
They attribute their values and their ability to face life's challenges to their mother's wise words, "laughter is the best medicine". As Jools shares, "If we've been making other people laugh and we've been there when that was happening, maybe that's why I've survived 20 years of cancer." This sentiment encapsulates their approach to life, using humour as a tool to cope and inspire others.
However, their journey hasn't been without its challenges. Lynda recalls a tough time when she questioned the future of her iconic character, Camp Mother, after undergoing a double mastectomy. But in true Topp Twins fashion, resurrected Camp Mother with a special bra, thanks to a friend's help.
Despite their personal battles, the Topp Twins continue to receive overwhelming love and support from their fans, which they are immensely grateful for. "We realise that we've had a special attachment to all of New Zealand" Lynda says.
"Untouchable Girls" is available now in bookstores. Listen to Robert & Jeanette’s full chat below.