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How to Travel Freely Without Allergies Slowing You Down

How to Travel Freely Without Allergies Slowing You Down

Because a good holiday shouldn’t be slowed down by itchy eyes!
1 December 2023 6:00AM

Summer break is almost here! After a hard year of work, you deserve a quality break where you leave the routines at home and travel to wherever your heart takes you. And the last thing you'd want is allergies to ruin your great holiday. Let's ensure your getaway bag is packed with allergy-fighting essentials to prevent itchy throats or sniffly noses from slowing you down!

First: What's Your Itinerary?

Whether you're heading to the local beaches or playing tourist overseas, you want to be prepared and anticipate any potential allergy encounters. Are you prone to pollen allergies and planning a hike? Or do you have an animal allergy and are embarking on a farm stay? You should be aware of where you might encounter your triggers and the associated risks. Knowing your allergens in the local language is also helpful when travelling abroad.

Second: Do You Have Enough Supplies?

Not all countries may have access to the medications you need, or you may be travelling to a remote area where help might be harder to access. If this is the case, ensure you pack enough to last for your entire trip, or make arrangements near your destination to pick up supplies. 

Claratyne Hayfever & Allergy Relief tablets are small and easy to swallow, providing relief from the symptoms triggered by over 200 indoor and outdoor allergens. Their compact size makes them easy to pack in your travel bags with minimal fuss!

Just one dose a day provides rapid 24-hour relief from:

  • Sneezing

  • Watery, Itchy Eyes

  • Runny Nose

  • Itchy Rash

Claratyne is not only a great allergy solution for your travels but is also suitable for allergies you encounter all year round.

Third: Is Your Emergency Contact Informed and Prepared?

Naming an emergency contact might be extra admin for your trip, but it's crucial that your contacts understand your travel plans, your allergies and any medication you take. Also, take note of the emergency number in the country/area you are travelling to because it's better to be safe than sorry!

Four: Reduce the Risk of Allergens While You're on the Move

Whether your travels start by car, plane, boat, or train, you want to ensure you reach your destination safely. Reduce pollen allergies in the car by keeping windows up and using the A/C, and avoid outdoor activities during peak pollen hours, typically in the morning and at dusk. 

If you're taking a flight, ask your airline about any potential allergy triggers you might face while commuting. And ensure that if you happen to come into contact with any allergens, you avoid cross-contamination with your clean luggage items and clothing.

Five: Keep Medication on Hand at All Times!

As the saying goes, "Hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst". So, it's a good idea to keep Claratyne in your bag so you're always ready, no matter where you travel and what you discover!

This article was sponsored by Claratyne (contains Loratadine 10 mg/tablet). Always read the label and follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, talk to your healthcare professional. Bayer New Zealand Limited, Auckland. NP20083