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The Project's Kanoa Lloyd wipes makeup off live while talking unrealistic beauty standards
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In Aotearoa

The Project's Kanoa Lloyd wipes makeup off live while talking unrealistic beauty standards

Kanoa is beautiful inside and out!

Kanoa Lloyd went au naturale baring her “real face’ on The Project last night, after a chat about the damaging effects of beauty filters on social media.

Kanoa took a makeup wipe to her face wiping off her “full TV glam” only for viewers to recognise her beauty without the added effect of her makeup.

This all comes after a hyper-realistic beauty filter has become increasingly popular on TikTok. 

Kiwi social media star Jess Quinn joined The Project team to discuss the damage we are doing to ourselves by using beauty filters, comparing our reality to the altered person we see on the screen.

“I was using it and then I turned it off and I instantly felt worse about myself, not because of what I was noticing of others, but because it highlighted my differences,” Jess said before explaining, “the damaging side of it is what we are doing to ourselves.”

The filter is so realistic that, unlike many other beauty filters, the technology is so advanced that no warping of the filter happens when wearing glasses or putting a hand over your face - it truly is terrifying.

As the chat began to wind down, Kanoa felt as though she was being hypocritical to sit on live TV with her full face of makeup, trying to empower others to embrace their natural beauty. 

"It does strike me that I can't really sit here and say, 'Yeah that's bad, filters are bad', while I've got a full face of TV glam that I get every night before I come into your lounge and hang out with you," Kanoa said.

With her beautiful fresh face, Kanoa explained: “I’m not doing this to say one thing is better or one thing is more beautiful than another. I blimmin' love makeup, but it’s just not normal to have that much stuff on all the time.”


We love Kanoa embracing her beauty both with and without the glam. and I’d like to use this as your friendly reminder to go look in a mirror and tell yourself that you are bea-u-ti-ful regardless!