2022 is coming to a close and omg what a year it has been, from the loss of our Queen to a new King, RAT tests and Wordle, it’s fair to say there was a lot to talk about - or should I say Google.
Google NZ has released the nation's top trending searches for 2022 and we have the most popular ones to share with you to look back on the year that’s been.
Ruby Tui is named as one of Google NZ’s top sports people searched for in 2022 and with her charm, charisma and dominating on the Rugby Field of course she has made it on the list.
The Women's Rugby World Cup also topped the list under the sporting events category and we couldn’t be more proud of our Kiwi women in sport!
Other Kiwis that reached the top search status were Zoi Sadowski-Synnott (snowboarding), Ryan Fox (golf), Lydia Ko (golf), Israel Adesanya (UFC), Joseph Parker (boxing) & Clarke Gayford.
Stranger Things - The Watcher - Manifest - House of the Dragon - Inventing Anna - Moon Knight - The Sandman - The Anatomy of a Scandal
Top Gun - Thor: Love and Thunder - The Batman - Black Adam - Everything Everywhere All At Once - Don’t Look Up - G.I Jane - Jurassic World Dominion
“How to do a RAT test” - We all know the struggle of doing this ourselves.
"How to play Wordle" - Yep it’s the game that had us hooked for months on end. We all had our own starting words, right?
“How to spell askew Google joke” - I need to admit that I didn’t know this one and just gave it a search. Warning: things really do go skew-whiff.
“How to make self-raising flour” - Yup, that’s definitely a fair one. The struggle of going to the pantry and realising you’re out is one of the worst kitchen conundrums.
It’s interesting to see the top searches of the year all wrapped up into one list. I wonder what will top NZ 2023 trending searches?