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The average amount Kiwis will spend on Christmas gifts this year and it's making us stressed
The Good Stuff
The Good Stuff

The average amount Kiwis will spend on Christmas gifts this year and it's making us stressed

Is that lower or higher than you plan on spending?

A recent study has revealed how much Kiwis expect to spend on gifts this Christmas. 

They found that on average, Kiwis expect to spend $623 on their loved ones on the 25th of December, with a bit of a difference between men and women. Men believe they’ll spend $712, while women predict $566 - a 21% difference. 

People aged 55 and up expect to spend $445 - the lowest of any age bracket. At the highest end of the spectrum, those aged 35 - 44 see themselves spending $776. 

Kiwis spending predictions this Xmas

Banked also asked the respondents “how stressed do you feel about the cost of this year’s Christmas?” and the results show a majority of Kiwis are feeling the pressure. 60.4% said they were either a little stressed (46.3%) or very stressed (14.1%). 

Despite expecting to spend less, women reported being quite a bit more stressed than men. 69.9% of women reported being stressed with 52.4% saying they are only a little stressed and 17/5% saying they are very stressed. On the other hand, only 48.8% of men said they were stressed (38.9% a little and just 9.9% very stressed). 

Kiwis stress levels this Christmas

Interestingly, 64.4% of people are more likely to buy a gift if it is sustainable -i.e. A gift “that involved zero waste or was made from recyclable materials”. That preference is most common among those aged 18 - 24 (76.2%), while those aged 55 and up care the least about sustainability (49.2%). 

Kiwis attitude towards sustainable gifts this Xmas

To save money this Christmas, Banked suggests to get a Secret Santa or group gifting going. They also said to not “feel an obligation to buy gifts you’ll struggle to afford or take part in every social event.”