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Dog makes a hole in neighbour's fence to be closer with his best friend

"I honestly thought it was hilarious. Dogs will be dogs."

Two dogs have surprised their owners by breaking and making a hole in their wooden fence just so they can be closer. 

Everest and Bear are two best friends who will go above and beyond to be together, and have clearly proved it.

Elizabeth Porter,30 was getting ready to work when she realized Everest was standing still in front of the fence.

"It wasn't until Bear poked his head out that I realised that they ruined the fence my husband had built by himself" she said. 

"I honestly thought it was hilarious. Dogs will be dogs."

"She’s a female, he’s a male, and it’s not the first time our giant Saint had ruined something expensive" the thirty-year-old said. 

Ever since the two of them got caught breaking the door, Elizabeth and her neighbors have decided to put a swinging metal gate instead.

"They can let Bear into our yard whenever and we can use their hot tub whenever," Elizabeth said.

What a great solution!

We've found more post of people sharing photos of dogs breaking their fences and it's hilarious and cute at the same time - probably not as much for the house owners!

"I came home from PT today to find my neighbor's dogs break through the fence today" one Twitter user shared.

Looking at the adorable faces of these doggos, how can one even get annoyed?

"Angus really likes the neighbours dog...So he decided to break the fence and take a closer look" another user shared.