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Easter recipe for gluten-free Creme Egg baked doughnuts goes viral
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The Good Stuff

Easter recipe for gluten-free Creme Egg baked doughnuts goes viral

A delicious Easter treat!

It's Easter time! And Easter time is the best time to trial all sorts of delicious chocolatey treats.

The latest recipe doing the rounds on the internet is a recipe by Gluten Free Cuppa Tea for Gluten Free Creme Egg Baked Doughnuts - and you can see why.

Check out the recipe below, or view it on the recipe authors website (with all her gorgeous pictures!) here.

Easter recipe for gluten-free Creme Egg baked doughnuts goes viral


For the doughnut/muffin mix:

  • 345g (about 2.3 cups) gluten-free self-raising flour
  • 1/4tsp Xanthan gum (thickening agent)
  • 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg (optional)
  • 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon (optional)
  • 175g caster sugar
  • 75g butter, melted
  • 50g oil
  • 2 eggs
  • 150ml buttermilk (Author suggests making your own using 1 tbsp of lemon juice to any milk)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 5-6 Creme eggs

For the sugar coating:

  • 100g caster sugar
  • 50g butter, melted


  1. Preheat your oven to 160C Fan / 180C.
  2. Grease a cupcake / muffin tin either with butter or spay a little oil and spread it around each hole.
  3. Next make your buttermilk (if you haven’t bought your own). Place 150ml of milk into a jug and add a tbsp of lemon juice. Leave for about 10 minutes, it should start to curdle and become homemade buttermilk!
  4. Place your gluten free self raising flour, xanthan gum and caster sugar (plus nutmeg/cinnamon if you are using) into a large bowl and gently mix.
  5. In a small bowl mix together your melted butter (must be cooled), oil, buttermilk, eggs and vanilla. Whisk until combined.
  6. Pour your wet ingredients into your bowl of dry ingredients and mix together. Try to mix as minimally as possible, just until combined.
  7. Cut your Creme Eggs in half. DON’T cut them the usual way on the join, cut them the opposite way. Ensure each half has plenty of fondant in it.
  8. Spoon a tablespoon or so of your mixture into each of your muffin holes (already greased).
  9. Then place your half Creme Egg in with the fondant facing upwards. This will stop it from leaking out and vanishing during baking.
  10. Spoon more of your cake mixture on top of the half Creme Egg – make sure its fully covered and maintains its position.
  11. Place in the oven for 18 – 20 minutes or until golden and cooked through. Once cooked allow to cool for a few minutes in their tin before gently easing them out.
  12. When still warm carefully coat each in melted butter and then roll or sprinkle each with some caster sugar.
  13. Allow to fully cool and then enjoy!