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Mark ‘The Beast’ Labbett from ‘The Chase’ opens up about his incredible 52kg weight loss
Health & Wellness
Health & Wellness

Mark ‘The Beast’ Labbett from ‘The Chase’ opens up about his incredible 52kg weight loss

"Looking after a five-year-old in lockdown didn't help."

One of the intimidating ‘Chasers’ from the UK quiz show ‘The Chase’ has opened up about how he managed to lose an incredible 63kg. 

Appearing on the UK talk show ‘Loose Women’, Mark Labbett, AKA ‘The Beast’, revealed that at his heaviest he was 29.2 stone (185kg) but is now down to 21 stone (133kg). 

After being asked how he managed to shed the weight, Labbett revealed that, surprisingly, his 2017 diabetes diagnosis and the treatment he uses for it has helped. 

“I think the diabetes meds help because I eat so much less, I drink fluids a lot more than I ever used to,” he said before explaining how being a father in Covid times affected his weight. 

“Looking after a five-year-old in lockdown really didn’t help as well. It was lovely - my wife was working as a nurse at the time so she was doing her bit and my bit was to look after him, but the number of times I collapsed in a heap!” 

The 57-year-old TV personality shared some weight-loss progress pictures on his social media accounts earlier this year, revealing he’s dropped three sizes and has an “xl or bust” goal. 

Mark has also just announced another exciting journey he’s been on… writing a book! The quiz master himself has written his very own quiz book called ‘Can You Beat The Beast?: Have you got what it takes to challenge the beast?’. 

Coming in February of next year, the book contains 50 quizzes covering a range of different topics. 

“Can you rival Mark’s knowledge over 20 different subjects?” the book’s description reads. “Beware, even those that you might think aren’t his strong suit - such as sport or music - will prove a real challenge.”

In the book, he also provides tips for mastering quizzes that he’s learnt over the decades of being a teacher and professional quizzer - “such as common quiz questions and things you should commit to memory”.