Debbie Harwood from 'When The Cat's Away' performed a show on 30th October at The Pah Homestead in Hillsborough Auckland, and the audience were treated with a special surprise.
Debbie's fellow 'Cat' Annie Crummer who was in the audience, joined Debbie on the stage to perform a stunning rendition of their hit cover song 'Melting Point' towards the end of the show.
"The show was pure magic and very emotional," Robert Scott said about the performance.
When's the Cat's Away is a New Zealand female vocal group formed in 1985.
The group's best known for their wonderful cover of 'Melting Pot' which went to number one.
Last year in 2021, the members of the group, Annie Crummer, Margaret Urlich, Debbie Harwood, Kim Wiloughby and Dianne Swann were inducted into the New Zealand Music Hall of Fame at the Aotearoa Music Awards in recognition of their contributions to New Zealand music.
Watch the wonderful performance above.