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Rod Stewart pays rent and bills for Ukrainian refugee family of seven

Rod Stewart pays rent and bills for Ukrainian refugee family of seven

Sir Rod's a very great human!
19 October 2022 5:10PM

A family of seven abandoned their home due to war in Ukraine and made a journey to Europe and finally arrived in the UK. 

Starting life again with no money and not knowing the language can be daunting, and somehow Sir Rod's now helping them out financially - what an incredible turn of events!

Rod Stewart being the generous man he is, he has been paying the rent of the house and he even fully furnished it.

Not only is he paying their rent but also all their bills, that too for at least a year. 

"I walked through the door and they all came running down the stairs, all beautifully dressed in Ukrainian national costume," Sir Rod said. 

"It was so lovely that they all made that effort. They made me a cup of tea and we had loads of biscuits and chocolates, although the baby kept nicking all of mine. It really was wonderful."

After watching the horror news of the Ukrainian war, Sir Rod Stewart and wife Penny Lancaster were devastated.

"Words couldn't describe what we were watching," says Sir Rod.

"The bombing of innocent children, the bombing of hospitals and ­playgrounds. Like everyone else, we were completely beside ourselves. I don't wish that one anyone. This is evil, pure evil."

Rod remembers telling his wife that if the news were in black and white, he would have believed it was footage from the second world war. 

Having been born after the war and being surrounded by family members who have war memories,  it was very "devastating" to him.

"I didn't think we would see the likes of land war with tanks again," Rod said. 

Rod and his nephew Warren wanted to make a difference so they got an idea to help Ukrainians. 

"He said, 'Listen, let's get some trucks together, fill them up with supplies and whatever they need,'" Rod said.

"So we got three trucks and a team drove up all the way to Ukraine. It took them a weekend. They got all the way to the border and took 16 refugees back to Berlin for safety,". 

Sir Rod really wanted to go himself but he was advised not to. 

"I would have driven over in my Lamborghini," Sir Rod laughs. "I would have loved to have tagged along," Sir Rod said. 

The singer was very determined to help refugees who have been facing difficult situations, so after he got in touch with the Ukrainian family, he helped them out. 

"They are all very grateful," Sir Rod says. "And it just makes me want to do more. I am thinking of getting another house now and getting a lot more people over."

Despite the language barrier, Sir Rod stated that he was delighted to get to know the family.  

"They are such a lovely little family and so polite too. None of them speak English but they have such wonderful manners, especially the teenagers,” says Sir Rod, before laughing: "I don’t know what they are like when I'm not here though," he said.

He even provided jobs to two other Ukrainian refugees including one as a gardener at his own Essex state's home.

When it comes to charity, he was someone who'd do it quietly. But after he got knighted in 2016 for his services to music and charity, he believes that if people see what he does, then it will help people inspire people to do it too. 

"I usually keep all my charitable efforts nice and quiet and just do it. But I thought, 'I am a knight, I have been given this knighthood because of the things I've achieved in my life and the charity work I've done over the years.'

"But that was the past; I want to be seen to be doing something now. I am a knight, I should be using my power to do something for people". 

"I am sure that if there are people out there who see what I am doing, they will pick up some slack too."