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In The Kitchen

Ali's crusted corned beef

Another delicious creation from Ali!

Hi, Ali here!

So I asked the man that lives in my house what he wanted for dinner. Apparently, he wants 'Corned Beef'. 

Luckily it was on special, when I say on special it was the same price as it was two years ago not on special!

I got a small piece and my usual 'lazy' way to cook it is by putting it in the slow cooker with a large bottle of Ginger Ale and leaving it on slow all day. I didn't have the time so made this instead!

Ali's crusted corned beef


  • 1 onion stuck with cloves
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 or 2 bay leaves
  • 1 spring of parsley
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 1 spring of thyme
  • 1 spring of dill or 1/2 tsp of dried Dill
  • 6 or so peppercorns


Put the meat in a deep enough pot to accommodate all the above and cover it with cold water. Bring it to boil.

"I tend to remove any surface scum and then reduce heat to simmer really gently so the water barely moves for about 2-3 hours depending on the size of the beef" Ali said. 


  1. Whole cloves 
  2. 1/4 cup Brown Sugar
  3. 1/4 cup breadcrumbs 
  4. Tbsp or so of mustard
  5. 1 tsp of grated orange rind
  6. Tsp of grated lemon rind 
  7. 1/4 cup orange juice
  8. Tbsp of lemon juice 
  9. 1/2 cup apple cider


Ali's crusted corned beef
  1. Score the fat of your beef and stud with cloves
  2. Mix the brown sugar, breadcrumbs, mustard, orange and lemon rind. Pat it on top of the beef.
  3. Mix the juice and cider.
  4. Put the beef in a 180C oven or 160C Fan and baste delicately with the juice and cider every 10 minutes for about half an hour. 

It's tasty and a bit different. We like ours with the mustard sauce from the Edmonds cookbook. It's like a warm gorgeous mayonnaise!

Serving it with plain vegetables is just a nice plain plate of comfort every now and then. 

P.S: The Brussels aren't burnt. We put them in the pan cut side down and added butter then turned the element to medium and then slowly cooked to caremelise.
