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How well do you know your Kiwi music?

How well do you know your Kiwi music?

Take this short quiz to see how well versed you are in the NZ music scene!
3 May 2024 10:21AM

Take the quiz below!

The Breeze is proud to support MusicHelps.

Here’s what you can do to help:

  • Text “MUSIC” to 2448 for an instant $3 donation

  • Make a general donation HERE

MusicHelps is a charity that provides support to the most vulnerable in our communities by supporting projects that use the power of music to help and heal. This includes music therapy sessions, music in respite and palliative care, music education for the at-risk and rehabilitation programmes, to name a few.

Since inception, MusicHelps have positively impacted the lives of over 90,000 people.